What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

I want to be very clear here: both approaches are useful.

I am a coach and I also advocate for therapy. Both are powerful, but again it can depend on where you are at AND on your choice of coach, or your therapist.

No matter who you choose, know this:

You are your own guru. Trust yourself & choose wisely. Just because someone is a certified whatever, doesn’t mean they know what’s best for you. You’re not broken nor are you in need of fixing either. When the shit hits in the fan in life, it a signal for change, growth and awakening. It’s a wake up call, not a sign that something is wrong with you.

Investing in coaching and therapy is EMPOWERING and act of self love.

On that note: what’s the difference between the two?

Therapy focuses on the past and on introspection and analysis. It moves the client from a place of dysfunction to function. 

Space is held to process traumatic emotions from the past so you can become more present in your life. 

Because of the pain you feel, you might not be able to function properly in the present moment, never mind thinking of your vision for your future. You’re just not there.

Coaching meets you in the present moment to look at what you want to invite into your life and business. Inevitably blocks and issues from the past arise as you welcome in your dreams and desires, but that’s all part of the process. You heal as you move forward. 

In coaching, you are an active participant in your own healing journey. Therapy is gentler as it acknowledges that you might not be ready to take action, or even talk about taking action.

With coaching, you are already functioning in the present moment and you are actively creating a future of greatness and success.

Please note:

I have had clients begin coaching, only to discover that a few sessions with a therapist were also required.