4 Simple Things You Can Do To Create Mind Blowing Results 🤯!

I'm sharing 4 simple things you can do that will seriously change the trajectory of your life and business.

Want mind blowing results? Implement these 4 things.

​What makes me think this will work for you? 

I've been doing this work for 12+ years. 

I've worked with 100's and 100's of clients, both privately and in groups and I’ve helped them create mind blowing results in their lives, businesses and bank balances. ( Social proof is here )

I've had the pleasure of witnessing unbelievable miracles. ( Like seriously un-believable miracles 🤯!)

I've seen how sabotage can really hold people back even when what they desire is right in front of them.

( 🙋🏻‍♀️ That's been me countless times.. ) 

I've also seen how quickly change can happen instantly when you go all in. 

And how doing less not more, really is the key to success. When you do the right things that is. 

These 4 things are definitely the right things:

1. Vision.

This is not just a 'once a year' or 'once every 3 years' kind of thing. 

This is where people get tripped up. â€‹

I've had people share: 'But, I've done that already!' - like it's a one time thing, which it is not.

Visioning is about choosing to see things from a Higher ground and higher perspective consistently and using it to see things/challenges in your everyday life through the eyes of your soul, because your soul is limitless. 

Yes, it's a seriously huge energy leak if you don't have a vision for your life and business. 

But there's mini leaks happening if you're not in a regular routine of taking 5/10 minutes here and there, to ask the Universe/ Higher Power to support you in your desires and regularly asking for what you desire in the everyday. Make sure to include all the things that are challenging you right now. These are the steps that built momentum overtime.

If you're not, you have all this energy moving through you, but you're not actually directing it. 

Therefore, it's moving through you according to your past experiences. You might think it's you running the show in your life and business, but unless you vision regularly it might be your mom, or your mom's mom or someone 5 generations ago who is guiding this energy through you, due to deep family conditioning. 

Take today for example. 

After creating my spanking new website, I am well and truly ready for a holiday ( being a solopreneur, it takes a little bit more planning compared to when I was working my j-o-b!)

So I grabbed my journal and started writing about taking time off. I included how I would like to feel, what I desired to experience and I also went into how worthy I am of it all. That I am worthy of taking the time off to enjoy myself. 

I went all in. 

After an awesome session with a client, I got a voice note from a close rock star friend asking if I want to go to a plush hotel on Sunday for one night. It's all paid for. They had a voucher they couldn't use. 

I said ' HELL TO THE YEAH!'. 

That's how powerful this is. 

( Yes, there is a knack to it so if you feel stuck around this click HERE and get in touch. This is my zone of genius. I love visioning and turning clients into mega manifestors! )

PLUS visioning is a huge component of your spiritual power and your inner spiritual foundation. 

A rocky spiritual foundation can leave you feeling rudderless, directionless, confused, lacking in trust, indecisive, vulnerable to external influences and more prone to overwhelm, not to mention completely stuck. Without tapping into your spiritual power, you don't get to move forward into the unknown. 

Which means you stay stagnant and where you are. 

2. Master your mind. 

If you don't master your mind, it's like taking your favourite perfume and pouring it down the toilet. That's what you're doing with your energy. 

You can have a powerful vision but you will leak precious energy unless you can harness the power of your mind. 

When you go to bring your goals and vision to life, things will often feel like they are going backwards, not forward. 

This part really stops people in their tracks. It's the killer of dreams.

Why does this happen?

When you go to bring your Higher vision to life, it will bring up your lower mind. A certain level of mental capacity is required for this part of the process. If you're not prepared, this will pull you off course.

And it's so well disguised too. 

If you commit to creating a certain kind of result in your life/business and it's not happening, there's a very chance there's an old identity, story, belief pattern that's tripping you up. 

Tapping into your mental power will create unstoppable success in your life and business. 

A rocky mental foundation is prone to being unstable. Instability fuels your demons, doubts & resistance.It scatters your energy in directions that don't serve you which means you won't have the energy you need for you and your desires. 

That's why people can feel like they have zero to no energy to pursue their dreams, desires and commitments. They can even feel seriously foggy. They are literally short circuiting. 

3. Get emotionally literate with yourself and feel those feelings. 

This is a biggie. 

Sometimes clients arrive and they don't even have the words to describe how they feel about things. 

I ask how they feel and they give me a mental description. Others are very controlling. They're pushing forward to create results but with zero alignment. 

The antidote? Create/Make time and space for you and your feelings. I’ve had past clients share that this was so deeply transformative for them. ( As all emotions are guides. Block your emotions and you block your intuition and your guides!)

If you're not connected to your emotional body, your shadow is running the show. 

All those parts your self you don't like, all those experiences that you would rather forget, all those false identities you created from events in your life ( relationship break ups, your perceived past failures) and all those uncomfortable feelings you've pushed away, like guilt and shame, they are all there in shadow vibrating at the level of everything you don't want to happen. 

Your emotional body is your unspoken presence in the world and it's what is creating results and dictating your experiences in your life and business right now.​

Which means your history will repeat itself as will those experiences you don't want to happen. 

Rock-i-ness in your emotional foundation results in seriously porous boundaries and shadow power, where your power lies outside of yourself. It's in other's, the past, the future but never present!

This means you will project your fears & doubts onto other people and external situations. 

You will sustain self sabotaging patterns and impulsive behaviours that are hard to shift. 

But it seriously, doesn't have to be this way, you can leave the victim of life and circumstances behind you when you learn to connect fully with your emotional body. You have everything in you that you need to become a conscious creator. 

( This really is my super power and we are covering this in my upcoming program which kicks off next week!)

4. Take actions from a place of love, not fear. 

This one sounds easy buuuuuuut, it's not. 

There's times when I know I am taking fear based action just in case something doesn't work out and I end up doing WAY more work and adding unnecessary stress to my life!


I see this one all the time.

> You're in a job that you don't like but you're afraid to make the change in case it doesn't work you.

> You want to look good in your clothes. You push your body in the gym. You keep a very strict controlled diet that doesn't feel good or nourish you. But surely wanting to look good is loving?  It’s not loving to do it to get love because you don’t feel enough as you are. In this case fear becomes control.

> You'd love to set up your own business. The end. That's as far as you've gotten. 

> You're earning ok money in your business. You know you need to make more but you're afraid to charge more for a variety of reasons. 

> You know you need to make a serious life change or move forward but you're not sure how to go about it. So you sit in the void between knowing you need to make a change and getting ready to make a change, but not really doing anything to move the needle forward. 

Doing nothing is still doing something that leaks precious energy because your mind will keep going in loops and you're wrestling with yourself emotionally. 

> Someone in your life has seriously pissed you off. They've betrayed/ hurt/ dis-respected you in some big or small way. But you think it's more loving to forgive them without even having a conversation because that's what being loving is.. right? No. In fact, it's the opposite. In holding back from a place of fear and dislike of being honest/ hurting their feelings/ confronting them, you're bypassing you and your feelings. So you become toxic to both you and the other person. Which then seeps out in small ways which dis-respects you and the other person. 

Actions taken from a place of fear perpetuate more fear. 
Actions taken from love perpetuate love. 

Choose love over fear and watch your life change dramatically. 

Right so, these are my four simple things.

Don’t let your ego get in the way and sabotage you from implementing these. Our egos love making thins harder than they need to be.

And if you really need help and desire to be part of a group of super likeminded individuals, seriously check out the Power In You Program™ by clicking HERE!

Here’s to creating the life, business and freedom your soul deeply desires..

Brona x

Brona Malone