Your short cut to success (and everything else you desire)

In 2017, my life looked very different.

I had big dreams. 

🤷🏻‍♀️ But none were visible to the naked eye.  

Yes, I had made great strides forward in my life.

I had found my calling.

🤷🏻‍♀️ But I had no idea how to make it happen. Let alone, turn it into a business.

I had healed a lot of heavy crap, gunk and wounds on the inside and felt very connected to the deep well of love in my heart. I had done a lot of letting go and the clearing of space.

🤷🏻‍♀️ But when was the 'new' actually gonna get here already? When was it going to actually land, happen and birth in my real life?

There's only so many vision boards a girl can hang on her wall.

I had found something that I love doing, that lit me up when I did it, that also served others.

🤷🏻‍♀️ But yet, I found myself caught up in the rat race doing work that did not light me up, directing my precious life energy towards things that didn't really matter to me, or that supported the earth or causes that I felt passionate about.

So what changed?

Me. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I did.

I saw that the only way to make my dreams happen was through me. Nobody was going to come and hand them to me on a plate.  

They weren't just going to arrive, or land, one day 'magically'.  

I was done dancing around the periphery of my dreams.

I was done shuffling. Like seriously done. I was ready for quantum leaps and great strides forward.

Manifestation means to make something visible. We are the channel for our manifestations. They have to come THROUGH us, not to us.

The number ☝🏻1. thing that has created the success in my life, is me.

Through me is the shortcut.

Same goes for you.

You're the answer, the guide and the solution that you have been looking for.

Seriously, as my friend Celine says: call off that search!

Stop looking outside, and hear me when I say this:


Nothing and nobody is coming to save you, see you, love you, do the work for you and back your corner for you.

However when you save yourself, see yourself, love yourself, do the work for yourself and back your corner like never before, things change.

THEN... and only THEN, can the Universe meet you and match you.

THEN... and only THEN, can the Universe act on your behalf to do the very same for you. 

THEN... and only THEN, do you give other's permission to see you, love you and do work for your on your behalf and back your corner. 

Nobody else can UNTIL you do.

It's you first.

You show others how to love you.

You show others how to treat you.

You show others how to commit to you. 

This was my saving grace.

A commitment to myself and allowing myself to accept the truth:

If the desire is there in me, so are the means to achieve it. I am a conscious creator with the power of the Universe in me.

A victim mentality means we see things as happening to us. That our happiness is dependant on external factors.

Like Corona Virus.

I need the corona virus to change so I can feel/do/be X/Y/Z.

A conscious creator creates from the inside out.

It's on me to change so I can feel/do/be X/Y/Z.

Regardless of the external. Because that is always a mirror of me. This is universal law.  

I learned that I was the one I could lean on. If I wanted what I wanted and it wasn't happening, it was on me.

This was both scary AF and liberating at the same time.

And it’s the same for you.

Whatever is showing up in your life and business today is a reflection of what’s going on inside.

If don’t like what’s showing up?

Choose change. You’re so powerful you can do this.

You truly are a powerful creator.  

Brona x


Brona Malone