Manifest Your Soul's Desires: Q & A with Deborah


Q. What hesitations, concerns, doubts or fears did you have about joining? 

I was initially worried about not being able to afford it, which looking back now is a bit mental and I never once missed the money or was afraid I couldn’t afford it every month ( it was just another one of my limiting beliefs). 

I was worried about the group - I felt I wasn’t good enough or that I didn’t fit in. I worried I wasn’t spiritual enough, successful enough or awakened enough. Again, all limiting beliefs. 

Q. Why did you decide to join/commit? Or what inspired you to fully commit and join? 

I’ve done a lot of healing “stuff” over the last 7 years - reiki, counselling, bio energy, family constellation healing, acupuncture, life coaching, silent retreats - you name it and I’ve tried it! So I’d like to think I’m open to trying new things that help me along my path. I used to feel elated, like on an absolute high coming out of Gayle’s kundalini classes so I thought with the yoga and the coaching combined it was a win win. 

Q. Which above aspects of the program REALLY worked for you? Which did you ENJOY?

I got so much from it all, I’m not sure where to start... I feel like I want to go back and do it all again and I also really miss it.

I used to set aside a day for myself to complete the written handouts and to do or listen to all the material - and I found some of these tough and some brought up a lot of resistance. Some months I went hell for leather on the kriya every day and then other months I only managed it twice a week. I used to beat myself up about not doing the kriya every day, but this got better towards the end.

I loved having the choice of the short and long kriyas. 

I loved coming together on our monthly calls especially as the months flew by and we got to know each other. I particularly loved the coaching calls midweek, lots of laughs were had and lots of healing too. There was a lovely safe space on the calls to do some healing work. 

This whole course just brought me so much awareness. Each month the material would shed a light on something, with some being harder than others. I found the heart chakra particu- larly challenging - it opened up a can of worms. It got very overwhelming and I remember I spent that month thinking I’ve so much healing to do that I’ll be 50 or 60 before I get my shit together and find my life partner, dream job and my own home. I felt I’d so much from my childhood that I’d kept buried that it would take years to heal.


Q. What was your favourite way to digest the materials emailed to you? ! 

I have to say I loved all equally.

Loved the handouts with exercises, even though I found some hard and resisted some I always made some kind of attempt even though I may not have fully completed them. I loved the videos and loved some of the guided meditations - one in particular was on the masculine/feminine and I remember finding that very powerful. ! ! 

Q. What suggestions/ideas do you have for improving the program/materials/ participant experience? 

I remember at the start I felt the intros from everyone went on a bit too long but the format changed then after that. I feel like there’s nothing I would change about the whole 8 months - it really was the best programme ever! 

Q. What personal challenges /issues/ blocks came up for you on the program and how did these play out alongside the program?

I sometimes felt I didn’t belong to the group, this feeling of not fitting in has come up my whole life. So I would really have to acknowledge that this is an unhelpful thought pattern and try to see past it. 

Some of the exercises brought up a lot of stuff I had buried. The main being experiences I had encountered as a 6/7 year old. This came up in the forgiveness exercises on the heart chakra. I had started counselling literally just before this chakra so this really helped me to process the stuff MYSD was bringing up. It took a while before I was able to try heal it. 

I found myself in situations in my current life related to these earlier experiences which brought up  anger and frustrated the life out of me as it kept showing up. I’ve spent a few counselling sessions talking about this but couldn’t understand the reason behind it. 

On the last group call I felt safe enough to open up to Brona and the group, and Brona brought me down to a very deep place to heal this. Her hot seats would catapult me forward onto the next road on my path. 

Q. What, for you personally, were your biggest stand out moments/ turnarounds/ AHA mo- ments on the program?

AHA moments flew in month after month. There was so many. This whole course was about awareness, awareness, awareness. Everything came flying at me and sometimes it was tough to process. But it was all so so worth it. 

I remember going up Knocknarea at night by myself for a full moon hike. My torch was annoying me and I kept hitting it off by mistake. And when I did I would feel scared, lost, anxious and I wanted to turn back. It dawned on me that when we don’t let our own inner light shine we feel scared, lost and anxious. I think we can dull our own light on purpose sometimes to make others feel better but by doing MYSD Brona thought us how important it is to shine our own light out into the universe. 

Q. What sparked the above - was it a particular class, something Brona/Gayle said, a chakra, an exercise, a moment, a call, an email or a hot seat?

I took a hot seat early on in the course, I think it was because I was unhappy in my workplace. Brona took me back to my childhood.

My childhood was a place I didn’t want to revisit, AT ALL.

As the saying goes “don’t look back, you’re not going that way”. So I always thought it was best to try forget and move forward. But I wasn’t moving forward, I was stuck - in every sense - job, love life, home, health etc. 

A lot of the exercises took me back too, which I wasn’t keen on but I still did every exercise no matter how hard it was. 


Q. What have been your greatest overall wins/accomplishments/results from participating in the program? 

I passed my rigid truck licence. This was something I’d put off for 3 years for fear of not be- ing able to drive a truck or pass the test. I also did it in the minimum of six lessons, I’d put it off because I thought I’d need way more. It had previously took TWENTY FOUR lessons to get my car license 4 years ago so I’d assumed it would be the same. During one of the group calls Brona took me on a magical truck driving test filled with angels, joy and laughs followed by the end result in a pass. I honestly don’t think I would have passed if it wasn’t for Brona’s help or the help of the group. The whole group really got behind me and I’ll be forever grateful for that. 

Q. What inner results have you noticed/accomplished as a direct result of the program? 

Inner results included awareness around my self worth. My self worth definitely increased after this programme. I was also made aware that it’s ok to be exactly where you are and that my self worth doesn’t depend on my job, my car, home etc. 

Q. What outer results can you see as being a direct result of the program?

The biggest outer result was starting a relationship with someone I want to share my life story with.

He is better than I ever could imagine and he just flowed very effortlessly into my life and things have just progressed from there. Before MYSD, I was under the illusion I needed to fix myself before I entered a long term relationship but MYSD thought me that we are always healing and it’s ok to heal together and have support in the healing process.

I moved to my dream location, somewhere I’ve dreamt of living for a few years. The sea is about 100 meters from and I have a view of the sunset every evening, something I have dreamt off for a very long time. I am surrounded by the sea and mountains - my two loves. 

I joined MYSD to get clarity in my career. Even though I am still not certain, I have taken leaps and bounds forward anyway. I was very unhappy in my current job and I couldn’t figure out why I was still there when I disliked it so much but MYSD helped me gain greater understanding of the bigger picture here and helped me to be ok where I am.

I have just handed in my notice as I have accepted a job that is closer to where I live. It’s not my original choice but it’s a step forward. I feel supported and trust  the Universe is guiding me in the right direction.  

Q. What have you noticed in terms of your overall energy levels, mood, health and physical body since the program. 

I was happier in myself and I felt supported. 

Q. If someone was unsure and on the fence about joining Manifest, what would you say to them? 

Just do it!!! You won’t regret it. In fact you’ll wish you had come across Brona and Gayle sooner. 

Compared to other programs, there’s no comparison. Nothing has ever brought me down as deep as MYSD. While all other things I’ve done served their purpose well, this course really clicked with me and helped me to move forward in my life.

It will take you to a place you’ve never been before. You might have to tread through a few fields of gunk but once you come out the other side, magical things will happen. Miracles will happen. Love will happen. 

To Brona & Gayle... 

Just thank you both for everything. I’m so grateful for all the love, guidance and awareness you both brought to the course. You’re both 2 beautiful earth angels and your light that shines is so’s so inspirational ✨ 💖 🙏 

Brona Malone