Manifest Your Soul's Desires: Q & A with Rachael


Q. Why did you decide to join/commit? Or what inspired you to fully commit and join? 

Taking a step back and thinking what a gorgeous gift it would be to spend 9 months (almost a whole year) dedicated to just me and my spiritual growth. That was actually so exciting and almost instantly realising this all blocks and/or fears I had to joining disintegrated.  

 I loved that each month had a different focus, i.e. each chakra a new yoga activation. This was the physical element that was easily related to and with that, I knew the emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual bodies would present themselves. 

I actually had lots going for me, I had started a new job - that I manifested - and had the emotional space and mental capacity to really enjoy and give time to the programme since I had left my previous job that just sucked the life out of me. I am trying to remember how I even felt before the start of MYSD - 2020 for me was such an empowering and insightful year. I had lots working for me as I had experienced one to ones with Brona and had been doing the inner work.


Q. Which above aspects of the program REALLY worked for you? Which did you ENJOY?

The hot seats were game changers!! Even if you are unsure just say YES!!

The journaling prompts and written exercises were really beneficial.

The group coaching exercises were powerful, the intro and info on the chakras. I also really enjoyed the facebook group - it was really nice to know that if I had queries or wanted to celebrated wins that I could share them here and have not only the wisdom of the community comment but it was an extension to Brona and Gayle too, who always responded and helped unravel any stickiness that I faced.

Q. What was your favourite way to digest the materials emailed to you? 

 I loved the emails and the worksheets - the worksheets had actions and also information and insights. I loved sitting down to do these and watching so much unfold or becoming aware and my own witness! Reading the emails was like getting a download from the angels!

I loved the audios - whether I partook or just laid down to listen they were hugely relaxing and really beneficial. 



Q. What was the number one thing you struggled with and the number one thing you deeply desired upon joining Manifest?

A huge realisation for me was around women - women in business.

I was able to rewrite my story around my beliefs of women in business and women in power. In real life, I was shown the exact women that I had conjured up in my head around the beliefs of women. If that was what I was thinking, of course I was going to be shown it in real life. This realisation was a game changer for me, it was so fascinating and so humbling to revisit, heal and renew what a woman in power truly is. I now believe I am a powerful woman and hopefully will be a woman in business in the future, now that my souls belief of what a woman in power and a business woman truly are, living and breathing all the qualities that I truly honour and respect in a power position. Vulnerability, truth, passion, integrity, authentic and love. 


I struggled with a lack of trust in the bigger picture, unsure of what the ‘next steps’ were. What I deeply desired was to instill that trust and reignite joy in the every day moment. What I feel now is absolute certainty of the process. I feel at peace and I smile when I think that I don’t think I have gone a day without laughing, my inner child is along for the ride. 


Q. What were you looking to receive from the program? 

I think I was looking for answers or maybe ‘fixes’. I had some incredible highlight moments, and definite moments of clarity that almost just clicked things in to places for me. The biggest lesson of all was probably learning integration. Being still and sitting with the work done - not always needing to find an answer.  


Q. What personal challenges /issues/ blocks came up for you on the program and how did these play out alongside the program? 

I can’t quite remember or think of any…. As I write that I remember how I knocked my back out during the programme, and how literally in one hot seat with coaching, the next morning, it was gone!!!! 


Q. What, for you personally, were your biggest stand out moments/  turnarounds/ AHA moments on the program? 

Having done the programme the biggest win for me is the awareness and acknowledgement of my power. Connecting with soul on such a deep intimate level, healing younger versions of myself. 

I have a dedicated journal and screen shotted the facebook posts that I would need to read back over to remember all the AHA moments - there were loads that I am proud of. 

Q. What sparked the above - was it a particular class, something Brona/Gayle said, a chakra, an exercise, a moment, a call, an email or a hot seat?

It was the hot seat, it was the group coaching work.


Q. What have you noticed in terms of your overall energy levels, mood, health and physical body since the program?

A real deep sense of love and happiness for myself.

I feel I am vibrating on a whole new level, mood levels are higher, an inner peace, general happiness is elevated, physically glowing and in love with my body.

I have been at a ‘happy’ weight all year. Enjoying and eating whatever I want, very little exercise I feel if I wasnt as happy or content that I would have piled on the weight or if I wasnt happy nor content that I would be striving to loose weight and no matter what starvation or extra exercise would work! 


Q.   If someone was unsure and on the fence about joining Manifest, what would you say to them?

100% do it! you won’t regret it. Think of it as the greatest gift to yourself that you are so worthy of receiving!!


Q.   How has this compared with other yoga, chakra or healing courses/programs you have done. 

This is the only one I know of of its type.

Yes, you can do yoga workshops but with Brona’s wisdom this programme takes you to another level. This isn’t surface stuff nor is it something to half commit to. You truly get out what you put in.

Someone’s ‘all in’ maybe different to your ‘all in’, what is important is the ‘all in; part for you.

I did an afternoon workshop of healing and movement which was profound, however, compared to MYSD it wouldn’t be on the same par.

Profound!! Insightful, powerful, healing, awakening. this programme gives clarity, direction, visioning. 

It’s the most beautiful work you will ever do. The greatest gift you will ever give yourself. It is fun, engaging, enlightening, exciting, I can feel the excitiment bubbling up inside thinking of you embarking on this journey, however, it is for you to witness for yourself.

To Brona & Gayle

Thank you so much to you both, for the gorgeous Kriyas, excellent guidance and leadership with the yoga aspect Gayle.

And Brona for beautiful, compassionate, insightful and deep experiences through your teachings, worksheets, visualisations and guidance in the hot seat! You are a force for the souls of the present and future.

Thank you for bringing your work in to the world xx

Brona Malone