How I shift myself out of funk (you can too!)

We all have those moments when we get hit with a wave of something we didn't ask for.

Reframe: our lower self didn't ask for it, but our Higher self clearly knows it's for our good and for our growth...

Shifting quickly through these moments is honestly one the best things I've learned to do for myself.

(Shifting was weirdly what we called French kissing/ kissing with tongues in my home town of Navan so when I use the term here, I'm obviously not referring to that. It still gives me a giggle though.. 😂 )


When the funk hits there's two options:

(A.) Spiral downwards with it and attempt to heal/fix/avoid it by looking outside for solutions/distraction. This actually increases suffering and prolongs the spiral.

(B.) Use it to look within, rise higher and create what you want in your life/business.

With your beautiful powerful creative energy, gifts, talents and purpose, you do not have time to spiral downward into your funk. You deserve to use ALL your free time enjoying your life, chilling out doing your thing, hanging with your loved ones and having super romantic hot dates.


Funk spiralling is a no no.


Here's THREE things that I do that you can also do to help navigate these inevitable moments:

1. I allow it.

Yep. You heard me, I allow it. Funk is not the problem. It's the judgments you have about the funk which cause the struggle.

You shouldn't be funky. You shouldn't be negative or feel "negative" feelings.

Your stuff shouldn't come up.

When you feel 'off', you make it mean you have failed in some way in life. ( other's on instagram look happy. You should be happy, not funky!)

You're a loser.


You then go and blame some past event that you are still holding onto. OR you blame the absence of something in your life. That's the reason you're funky.

When funk arises, it's an opportunity to clear it and let it go. It's the old, and you are being given a golden opportunity to release it, so you can make space for the new.

The last thing I'll say on this point is:

Your funk has the power to propel you forward in your life, business and relationships. Knowing what you don't want is useful for creating what you do want. Shit makes really good fertiliser.


2. I spring clean it.

Underrated, simple and super effective.

This is what I call a super tool. ( You heard of super foods.. right? Well I have super tools 😉...)

Grab that journal and dump those feelings and thoughts.

Stop holding onto it with your judgements, instead take it all to paper and let it all pass through.

Feelings are there to be felt. This process is an act of self love because it supports you in leaning in and being TRUE to your feelings and dumping those shitty thoughts.

And guess what? They pass quicker, leaving you free to create new ones that feel better.

Pick a topic that has been circulating over and over in your mind. Or pick an emotion that keeps cropping up.

Instead of 'trying' to force your mind to stop, (and then beating yourself up when it obviously doesn’t stop, and then spiralling downward because it’s not working, because the problem is obviously you, says your mind!), you allow it to run its course.

You breathe, you think. Your mind is always thinking, just like your lungs are always breathing. The trick is to work with the mind, not against it.

Invite it in and let it run wild on the page. Let it speak up and say EVERYTHING. Let it bitch. Vent. Let it get nasty. Permission to dump all your shit on the page. No filter.

Eventually it will run out of steam naturally and underneath it, will be something else for you. Invite whatever is there.

We approach a spring clean from the space of intentional decluttering and releasing. There's no judgement with what comes up. You are not saying any of the thoughts are true. You are simply holding space for them.

Think of a toddler having a tantrum and saying 'I hate you'. We know it's not true. It's just emotion being discharged.

Your spring clean allows your ego to have its tantrum, so you can move on to hear your inner voice and wisdom more clearly.

Placing your hand on your heart helps you re-balance after doing something like this. Plenty of nature as well.


3. I get clear about the new.

Again. This is a super UNDERRATED process and really accelerates the process of shifting through funk.

It's freakin' honestly powerful.

Claim what you want with your clarity. Get clear about what you are inviting into your life.

But what if I don't know what I want Brona?

Answer: you always know how you want to feel.

Feelings are KEY.



I have asked my Higher Self for clarity on stuff and 5 mins later, I receive a text message from a friend with the EXACT clarity that I needed and asked for.

I have asked for a projector at a certain budget that I need for that next day, and guess what? Ask and receive baby. I got it. On a second hand website, a 45 minute drive away.

Interns? Yep. I wrote down the type of intern I needed to hire and BOOM, there she is. EVERYTHING ON MY LIST.

I have asked for relationships/issues/traumas to be healed, and even that happened... so.. I'm a believer.

So that's how I roll...

Any Q's.... hit me up in the comments. I’m all ears.


Brona Malone