When multiple problems arise in our lives, businesses, relationships, health and finances, there’s only ever one problem: we have disconnected from who we truly are.
And we truly are powerful.
We experience internal discomfort, struggle, anxiety, fear, depression and abandonment when we are not being who we came here to be.
When we are not staying aligned with the powerful soul that we are.
Life stops us dead in our tracks when this happens. We hit dead ends and road blocks. Our health declines, relationships break up, business slows down. We experience loss. Emotional instability.
Life can feel like it’s falling apart, pulling us down way lower than rock bottom.
This is not to hold us back, it’s to propel us forward.
It’s a guide for our growth. The breaking down of the old to make space for the new.

It’s also an invitation. A call.
It’s your Greatness calling you on.
And your Greatness serves the world in some way, as does the fullest expression of you and your soul.
That’s what my life, mission and work are all about.
Conscious over corporate. Love over Fear. Soul over ego.
I’ve been described as having the right credentials whilst not being too corporate.
Professional with the right blend of woo.
Here’s how I describe myself…
A typical Sagittarian fuelled by exploration, truth seeking & a desire for freedom. I have travelled the world exploring, experiencing & studying multiple ways of healing, growing & leading.
A certified transformational life & business coach, whilst also being an energy healer with a background in various different modalities like reiki, yoga, Vipassana meditation and tantra.
Super sensitive (the HSP kind), with a proven track record in sales and business, a serious love of adventure and all things Mama nature.
On my second round of the Course in Miracles, which has to date, been one my greatest supports.
I love dance, enjoy periods of silence and pouring my heart out onto a page.
As someone who has dreamed of running a super successful business that makes this world a better place, I have had to grow internally & make serious changes in my life to support this dream.
But you want to know more, right?…
Skip the inner foundations & you end up in the shadows of your success.
Which is what I totally did.
I lived the typical shadow success story. The kind where all looks good externally, but inside, I’m an empty, lost, self critical emotional yo yo.
And the other kind where I looked as bad on the outside, as I felt on the inside.
I’ve looked for love & approval. In all the wrong places.
I career hopped. A lot.
I felt flaky. Even gym membership felt too much of a commitment.
Nothing ever felt right.
I always felt like I should be somewhere else
doing something else
and being someone else
I chased freedom across the globe & still felt caged.
I, very unknowingly, disowned my own power. Which held me back and kept me stuck.
Balance. Non-existent.
I searched outside, when all of the above begin within.
I partied hard to numb and dumb myself.
Eventually even that stopped working.
My life was ‘officially’ falling apart and me along with it.
The low grade, pervasive feeling that something was missing or wrong was now blasting at full volume.
ME. I was missing. My life felt like a shell.
I was tumbleweed, blowing around on the ‘superficial’ surface of life.
Tumbleweed is free but it's changes direction and moves according to the wind rather than navigating its own path.
It’s get blown around by external forces OUTSIDE of itself.
It’s dry and parched. Devoid of any really connection.
I was constantly looking for something OUT THERE to fill me up…
My spirit could no longer fit into the life I was living.
It broke me open.
Now, I could ‘peace’ myself back together in a way that fitted ‘me’
My best friend’s aunt was hosting a reiki level 1 course, I signed up and so began the journey of looking within and self exploration.
From there, my life began to change dramatically.
I began making time for myself and my spirit.
I created space to listen. It began to guide me.
I even had a dream where I was pregnant ( birthing something new!) and I was told (very clearly) to stop drinking and partying.
I headed off on an adventure to Seoul, South Korea and stayed for 5.5 years.

Connecting with this inner voice, spirit and power is MORE and BIGGER than any career or business.
It’s the SPARK of life & joy.
It had the answers, guidance and solutions that I needed back then and still does to this day.
As a result of establishing this inner connection and doing the deep inner work and reclaiming my power, I can heartily declare…
What once held me back, now empowers & propels me forward. I have rooted myself, my world & my business in what is unshakeable & un-breakable.
This is what I now help others with.
You can check out their success stories here.
This same voice guided me to create The Power In You Approach™ which is at the heart of everything I do. It’s a whole approach to life, business & creativity with soul.
I do this work because our world needs more heart centred, soul driven peeps like you leading the way.
You’re a freakin’ change maker.
We are coming to a real big cross roads.
I believe that aligning with our deepest desires, highest selves and truest expression along with all our potential, power, joy, hearts, gifts and talents, is what will turn our world around.
Old ways, structures, paradigms and systems are no longer sustainable for us or the planet. They are breaking down and crumbling away.
New ways of being and creating are birthing that are more in alignment with the planet and the greater good of all.
Each of us are being called to step forward.
Whether the new comes through really depends on whether you choose to birth the new in you, in your life, business and finances.
I believe if we all listen deeply and follow that inner voice, changes can be made that are good for all involved, that will help our world and planet shift from corporate to conscious.
Now more than ever, a strong inner connection and inner foundations are required upon which we build our best life, business empire and create the freedom that our soul deeply desires.
In doing so, we are freeing the world.
I have a system and approach that do exactly that.
By signing up (it’s free), you’ll get access to my PIY Resource Library with free downloads, like worksheets, my top journaling exercises, free masterclasses and audio recordings to rewire your inner world.
You’ll also get invitations to any free, live workshops and circles that I host online.
Click the button below to sign up.