Not only do clients walk away feeling and knowing in every cell of their being and body that they are on the right path meant for them, they also experience tangible mind blowing results.
You can too.
Naomi Sheridan | Store Owner, CEO & Devotee of Sustainability & Nutrition @ NOMS
Treasa Spragg | Zumba Queen & Sleep Expert @ Switch On Happy
Nadi DeJulio | USA
Aisling Walsh | Founder & Maker @ Taer Jewellery
Sara Curtin | ireland
Paula Heaney | Founder | @ Skinny Malinkys
Helen Cooke | Ireland
Rachael O Hegarty | Ireland
Dream job offers out of nowhere and during world pandemics
Leaving jobs and setting up successful purpose driven businesses and do meaningful work that their soul deeply desires.
Getting paid more, working & stressing less, and all whilst experiencing more joy in their daily lives.
Better relationships with the outer resources of time and money
Moving countries
Starting new careers
Healing family relationships
Meeting soulmates
Feeling propelled forward into action from a place of enthusiasm ( v’s pushing, grinding and forcing forward..)
A clear soul aligned business strategy. They have clarity of the path forward in business. One that feels aligned and ‘right’ in body, mind, heart and soul.
Their businesses expanding.
Record business months.
Their best launch ever in the history of their business.
Creating new income streams and offerings in their business
Increased business revenue, money flow and income.
Consistently showing up, energised in their business.
More effective use of time, energy and resources for a greater impact and higher profit in business whilst still having a life outside of their business.
All these results have come from beginning within and clearing out everything that was holding these clients back: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
These results are the happy side effects of the work we do.
The real big wins are internal.
Awareness of their own light, their power to be illuminated by it and be a conscious creator.
Huge AHA’s and break throughs. Finally seeing and transforming what’s really been holding them back and consequentially letting go and transforming their blocks into powerful stepping stones.
The release of the past and healing of long held wounds, past hurts and/or issues.
Finally ending the struggle they have with themselves, their ‘negativity’ and feeling pulled off track by other’s and life in general. ( Hello guilt-free boundaries)
Feeling at peace and healing from family, challenging and past abusive relationships.
Happiness in their own skin. Acceptance of self and of life. Loving themselves, feeling content as they are regardless of where they are in life, business and/or on the weighing scales.
An ability to turn down the noise in their minds and process their emotions/ feeling in new ways that really serve them ( V’s feeling like a loser for having feelings and for basically being human.).
A deeper sense of self worth.
Certainty of their true purpose and a clear direction forward.
Feeling like they belong in the world.
Inner stability.

With a key takeaway being that they feel whole and aligned because of the deep energetic healing of old gunk, wounds and (false) identities subconsciously created as a result of :
Break ups/ Divorces
Past abusive and narcissistic relationships
Sexual Identity
Mother Wounds / Feminine Wounds
Father Wounds / Masculine Wounds
Abandonment Issues
Sexual Abuse / Assault / Rape
Over stepped Boundaries
Death/ Loss
Small Incidences/conclusions made between the ages of 0-7 years
Difficulty Learning ( ADHD etc)
Unconscious Vows Made
Family/ Tribal/ Cultural Beliefs
Family Environment Growing Up
Unattended Sorrow
Shame and guilt around past events/actions and shadow behaviour
* Please note that clients would have previously been to therapy for these issues if needed.
AND… they didn’t even know this was still tripping their energy system up.
The amount of times I’ve heard:
‘Wow. I didn’t realise I was still carrying this.’
“Brona was an incredible guide. At the time we worked together, I knew I was missing ‘something.’ I couldn’t define what that was, until my sessions with Brona opened up the realisation that I was still running from deeper things in my life.
I've been to therapy, to spiritual guru's, doctors - the whole shebang (frankly, I was quite tired of talking about what was 'wrong' with me). I've looked for solutions in different ways ever since I realised I was different, so it's been 15/16 years at least.
Brona is one of the only people I've come to for help that explored my shadow or darker emotions without making me feel like they were figments of imagination, or something to be ashamed of.
She wasn't afraid to ask about the hard things that have happened in my life - but instead of going into a conversation where we just stayed stuck in those heavy emotions, she helped me process them differently.
It was pretty beautiful, to be honest. Thank you, Brona! Anyone searching for freedom from their own 'stuff' - go to Brona. That' s all I have to say ;)
Since working with her, my income, team and work environment are completely transformed. My relationships, family and friendships all improved. I became calmer, more focussed, and published a poetry book (which was a lifelong dream). I also began an art instagram account that gained a surprising following. Working with Brona woke me up to my own life, and I would highly recommend her services!”
Aishling Heffernan | Ireland
As a result of our time together, clients connect deeply with who they truly are, and move from there out into their world.
The power that once held them back becomes the power that propels them forward.
As a result, they open up to being a magnet for what they truly desire. Doors open where previously none existed and opportunities land in their lap. Literally.
It’s a win win WIN process.
They heal AND create their desired results AND open themselves up to receiving beyond what they imagined.
> Sessions are recorded so you can listen back over the call.
Clients share that it is very cathartic for them.
One of the tools used to support you in getting the most out of the session is something like I like to call ‘Emerge & See™ Healing & Visioning’.
One client has described this as whole hearted healing.
We use this to tap into answers and solutions that are not always accessible to the rational mind that is in operation the majority of the time. Clients love listening back to their own answers. They receive more AHA's from listening back. Whilst in this deep level of relaxation, note taking is not possible as it interrupts the flow. Recording the session solves that.
> Post Session Personalised Integration Support
Just like R & R is good for a post physical work out session, integration is required for deep spiritual, mental and emotional work.
I give clients personalised integration work in between the sessions to support whatever has unfolded in the session. This is tailored soulfully and specifically for them.
This helps them to fully absorb what's been uncovered in the sessions. They have time to integrate it into their being, let it land and percolate.
They love this.
And honestly, it's where their most powerful work is done because it's them on their own with their own direct Divine line.
The majority already have a strong and clear connection with themselves. Regardless, they can get blindsided and knocked off when stuff comes up. This process re-connects them, building up that enthusiasm, personal power, autonomy and responsibility.
> Support and space is held for you outside of each session.
Clients have email access to me in between the sessions so if something comes up, they receive a response from me within 48 hours to support you, except for the weekend. AGAIN - clients find this hugely beneficial.
Their soul really does lead this process. In between each session, that’s who they are primarily connecting with via this ‘power in you’ work. It’s fascinating to witness how life, business and the Universe can rearrange themselves so that clients really get the most out of our time together.
Clients love the email responses they receive too…
As Fiona shared:
“I'm sick of doing this work alone and I am delighted to have you as my spiritual wing woman to bounce stuff off. Even the stuff that happens outside of the sessions.”
And Deborah…
“Thank so much Brona. This is so powerful. Literally gave me GOOSEBUMPS! You have an amazing outlook or way of turning it around into something amazing. It's like you're spiritually hitting me over the head with a frying pan with some of your responses!”
> Access to my scheduler to book your own sessions in.
This is deep work so you can move as fast or as slow as you need to once all sessions are completed within the time frame from when they first begin, with their prep work.
You can check out these FAQ’s here for more information on working with me.
You future self will thank you as the effects of this deep work lives on years later….
I still get emails from clients where the sessions they had are still living on in them, like this one from Marisa who was a total dream client to work with…
Hi Brona,
You popped into my head this week because I realised that we started working together exactly a year ago and oh my gosh, so much has changed! So much has changed even in 6 months but I still have you to thank for putting me on my journey and really soul-searching - as well as digging into some awesome books and authors………
I’m launching my own travel planning business and I'm happy to announce that I'm very close to launching my website. I'm also doing tons of writing about travel, which is my dream.
I love what I do every day. I wake up and plan these amazing adventures for clients and I couldn't be happier working from home and working on something I love.
"The work" really does work.
Now, I'm just working on manifesting the money to hit my income target but I know I can after seeing how easily I manifested the other things.
Brona, I'm so glad that *** told me to work with you and amazed at all the things that came out of the small seeds we started.
I hope everything is well with you and thank you, Marisa
Marisa De Salvio | Luxury Travel Adviser @
This is deep work.
It’s soul driven, spirit powered and heart opening work that delivers radical shifts and transformations!
The package you opt for really does depend:
1. On your needs.
2. The intention behind, and your reason for, seeking support.
3. What you are looking to receive/create/become in our time together.
Included below are three different outlines of packages.
If you’re unsure as to which is going to work best for you, mail
Or click on this link to schedule a call for a quick chat.
I wanted to let you know how motherf**king POWERFUL our session was, and how it's brought up more in me than I ever imagined.Thank you for being amazing and helping me open doorways inside of my soul.
Your work changes lives. Changes my life. So, um, THANKS FOR THAT!
Eve Ellenbogen | Stand up Comedian & Podcast Host
3 months | 9 Sessions
Big dreams require strong inner foundations.
This is for clients who desire everything in the above package and in addition:
Know they need to go deeper so they can rise taller with the changes they are making.
Are moving through a big life/ business transition and birthing a whole phase by choice or by circumstance.
Desire to bridge the gap between who/where they are and who/where they desire to be.
Are birthing a project/ up level that requires consistent focus, alignment & presence.
Desire support as they fully integrate this new level of power into their being, cells and everyday life.
PACKAGE RATE: €3,497.00
Option 1
3 x months of €1188.00
Option 2
6 x months of €599.00
6 Month Container
PACKAGE RATE: €6444.00
Option 1
3 x months
Option 2
6 x months
Option 3
9 x months
9 Month Container
PACKAGE RATE: €9444.00
Option 1
6 x months of €
Option 2
12 x months of €
Know you need something but not sure what you need?
Click here to learn more about what we can potentially cover in our time together.