Manifest Your Soul's Desires: Q & A with Helen


Q. Why did you decide to join/commit? Or what inspired you to fully commit and join?

I wanted to get to know myself more fully and deal with past issues, and as an aid to help manifest what I wanted to achieve in 2020.

 I had an interest in learning more about the chakra system and I wanted to build on previous work I had done with Brona Malone in the past. I also thought given the year of the pandemic and lockdowns that I finally had time to work on myself.  


Q. Which above aspects of the program REALLY worked for you? Which did you ENJOY? 

I enjoyed many aspects of the programme. 

Loved the yoga with Gayle- very engaging, always thought with compassion and care. It was interesting yoga and by that I mean I felt I was really working on particular aspects of myself and it wasn’t just another flow class. It felt spiritual and healing. 

I felt having two kriyas to be very smart and showed that Brona and Gayle were thinking practically for their clients. Life gets in the way with the best of intentions and it’s not always possible to do 40 mins of yoga a day.  

The small breakout groups were a standout highlight of the programme for me.

It gave us all chance to speak in a very comfortable and understanding space. Listening to the hot seats was always a learning moment. Everyone’s stories resonated and helped me understand something more about myself. Brona’s leadership and facilitating in some emotionally difficult and charged moments as nothing short of masterful. She has many gifts but one of them for sure is empathy and holding space for people. 

In all honesty, all of the materials emailed were valuable and worth doing. Sometimes it took some time to do it but there wasn’t one exercise that I completed and thought unnecessary. All of them gave me insight or aha moments or clarity. I enjoyed the mix of media – PDF, audio and video, I think in 2020 and beyond, this is important as we are all consuming our information in a variety of ways. 

Q. What was your favourite way to digest the materials emailed to you? 

For me it was audio and reading emails / PDFs. Throughout the 9 months there were times when I did a soul dated and spent a few hours working through material and there were times I did a little over a number of days. My favourite way however is probably the soul date way. I like creating a nourishing space – candle, cosy, cup of tea, favourite pen etc. I feel I am more in the ‘zone’ and have the quietness and peace of mind to go deep and explore. I did also like the audios as opposed to video because I could listen whilst going for a walk or doing some housework. 


Q.    How were you feeling before we began? What was not working for you in your life, career or business?  

I was generally feeling ok. I had just started a new job, but I knew in my heart that I had a lot to resolve within myself and there was some hurt that needed healing. At the time it wasn’t anything specific I could point to but a underlying feeling of needing to heal. 


Q.    What was the number one thing you struggled with and the number one thing you deeply desired upon joining Manifest? 

The major thing I was struggling with was my deep unhappiness with my physical body, injuries, a feeling like a I had lost my love and respect for my physical self and I wanted to resolve that so I thought joining Manifest would help me stick to a routine.


Q. What were you looking to receive from the program? 

A deeper understanding of chakras and yoga and how that affects the self. The tools to look inward to start to untangle what was inside. 

Q. What personal challenges /issues/ blocks came up for you on the program and how did these play out alongside the program? 

 So many – self worth, family relationships, past friendships, past small traumas and hurts that I hadn’t dealt with. Creative blocks was another one.

Each one seemed to come up through exercises and through the way Brona had designed the programme.

It was as if the more work we did, the more came to the surface, it was gradual. But at the same time Brona was giving us all these tools so I felt ‘able to cope’ and supported as each issue or block came to the fore. It all felt very natural and organic. 


Q.  What, for you personally, were your biggest stand out moments/  turnarounds/ AHA moments on the program? 

 Tackling self worth was a big one for me and forgiveness - forgiveness of parents, family, past hurts and most importantly myself. Also finally realizing there is/ are many creations I will birth in the future. I am a creative being and have much to offer the world. 


Q. What sparked the above - was it a particular class, something Brona/Gayle said, a chakra, an exercise, a moment, a call, an email or a hot seat?

Some exercises were extremely powerful and cathartic for me. Working with self worth and Realising that I was still carrying past hurt and had a need to be accepted. I found the throat chakra yoga to be almost a religious experience, it really touched me and is a big part of my healing journey, but not in a way I can articulate easily. 

Q. What have been your greatest overall wins/accomplishments/results from participating in the program? 

My greatest accomplishment is first of all just staying the course and completing the programme. 2020 was a very strange and challenging year and I could easily have given up or gotten distracted but I am proud to say I did all the calls, completed all the exercises and really gave it my all. The result of that has been such a lifting of spirit and emotional weight. Not the weight loss that I originally wanted but something better. My life seems so much better now – career wise I am happy, we have moved to a new home, I got a dog, I started to learn to drive, I built a website from scratch, I started a blog, I decided to start a podcast, I re-connected with old friends and healed relationships, I spoke up in my romantic relationship and opened up, I am tentatively beginning to love my physical body (it’s a long road but am on the right track), I developed an exercise routine and learned to love moving my body. 


Q. What inner results have you noticed/accomplished as a direct result of the program? 

See above  For sure I feel like now I have more clarity, a better understanding of myself, I have purpose and I have hugely improved my self worth. I feel overall lighter and more settled, more confident in myself, more sure and steady. I feel grounded. But more so I feel I have practical tools now to help me.


Q. What outer results can you see as being a direct result of the program? 

See Number 1  - blog, website, podcast, new apartment, driving, just lots of positive shifts and momentum.  


Q. If someone was unsure and on the fence about joining Manifest, what would you say to them?

Go for it – you won’t regret it and only positivity and clarity can be gained and you never know, your wildest desires just might come true.

To be very honest, haven’t done much like this before so don’t have much to compare to but I would describe it as a deep dive through the chakra system to your very core. A supportive and informative journey of self discovery and healing

To Brona & Gayle…

A big fat thank you and a big virtual hug and kiss, it was emotional, it was real, it was raw and I’m very grateful to you both for creating this programme and guiding me through it. 

Brona Malone