My Second Year in Business | August 2020 - 2021 | Part 1
How would I sum it up?
Like this: I’m still here.
Cue Sir Elton John…
I'm still standing (Yeah, yeah, yeah!)
According to my star sign, I tend to look on the bright side with an ability to create a happier reality for myself, but 2021 is the year I’m getting my once-every-29-years-challenge to this.
And that’s what I’ve felt ripple through me in this second year of business: that once-every-29-years-challenge.
When committed to creating a life and business that we love, being true to ourselves and honouring our soul’s purpose, we bring out hearts into the ring. And rightly so, the heart is powerful, WAY more powerful than our mind is when it comes to creating the changes we desire.
However, evoke the power of the heart and we evoke our wounds, shadow and past with us too.
This involves all the stuff that our egos would rather us not deal with.
I’m no exception to this.
This is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a good thing.
This is all part of releasing the old to make space for the new and can be chaotic to say the least.
At times, it can feel like we are being broken open, with the truth being: we are.
It can feel like one big great shit storm. The old weighing on us like a tonne of bricks.
The new does not always arrive on our doorstep full of the vibrancy of Spring.
While it emerges into plain sight in Spring, it’s been there making moves well before that. It was simply underground getting rooted, strengthened and nourished in the dark. The new arrives on our doorstep as that great big shit storm.
Here to clear us out and break us down with the invitation to ‘peace’ ourselves back in new ways that fit us better.
In my second year of business, that’s what I’m celebrating: being peace’d back together.
For easy reading, let’s divide this into the top 5 Highlights and 5 Lowlights…
Firstly, the Highlights…
MYSD 1.0 was a huge success!
Manifest finished up November 2020.
This is defo a top highlight.
It was the perfect offering for 2020, given our global pandemic and it truly was a beautiful group of people joining together to birth their soul’s desires into physical existence, whilst dissolving the obstacles and blocks that inevitably get in the way.
In which case I say -‘Whatever gets in the way, IS the way.’
Connection is truly where it’s at, the perfect outward expression of which is community.
Likewise, the power of being in a container like that with other souls completely amplifies one’s own manifesting power and ability to show up more for themselves in ways that are true and authentic.
Transformational coaching alone is incredible but I felt drawn to bring my good friend Gayle on board, to incorporate yoga into the program which brought it all to the next level.
As much as I love my one to one work, the power of the group dynamic is undeniable with the result that participants, like Deborah below, shared mind-blowing 🤯 wins, AHA’s and real life tangible results:
'Previously to working with Brona I thought I had been doing the work on myself - reiki, ancestral healing, life coaching, counselling, bio energy, acupuncture, retreats, meditation, book after book on self improvement/wellness- despite all this I felt stuck, lost and felt I was going around in circles chasing my tail.
When I started the Manifest Your Soul Desires programme I had no idea that 6 months after finishing it I would have met my life partner, who is way better than I ever could have imagined. Moved to my dream location, sandwiched between mountains and the sea, where I can watch the sunset for my couch. Or got a job offer which is DOUBLE the salary of my current job.
With the tools Brona provides in MYSD, she will bring awareness to places within yourself you never knew existed. Her amazing energy and love shines through every email, video, worksheet and session and her light instantly makes you feel better and ready to take on whatever challenge is ahead.
MYSD was one of the best decisions I ever made and I'm so grateful for all Brona has taught me.’(And… the next round of Manifest is launching October 10th 2021 - Interested? Stick your name on the waitlist here for more info !)
2. I’m finally ready to own and value how powerful this work is.
This is huge.
The work I offer works. I know this. ( She points to her head whilst sharing this..)
But I haven’t always owned this. ( She points to her heart…Prepare for the honest share on this one in the Lows. That freakin’ 29th year thing….😭)
This year I invested in a mastermind and doing so allowed me the time, energy and space to step back and acknowledge so much in myself and on my business journey so far like..
> This work is an accumulation of all the modalities I’ve studied since 2005….
It’s the Power In You Approach™ that was intuitively downloaded, whilst I was studying being a coach, writing coaching papers and birthing the model that I now use.
The 15+ years of self exploration and remaining committed to my own path, exploring my shit, gunk and shadows.
My 41 years of life experience of life on this planet as a super sensitive soul. ( Even my birth chart confirms this!)
On top of that, it’s 12+ years of working with clients using/ developing this approach.
There’s concepts I’ve created that have been born out of sitting with 100’s of clients and being an active co-creator alongside them as my spirit reaches out to connect with their’s.
Like working with ‘core shadow feelings™’ and discovering your ‘unique soul path™’ - these are unique creations and concepts born out of this work that serve those who do this work.
> I’ve had clients come from working with other people and share: ‘You’re different. You work differently to other coaches!’
And it’s true, I do. The difference being that I go deep. We work at the level of energy and spirit because that is where the greatest shifts happen. I can sit with someone and know where their blocks are by listening to them and what they’re sharing with me.
> I’ve had a long list of clients share that they finally feel some sense of freedom, like Aishling here, after years of looking for solutions:
‘The changes I've seen in such a short time of working with Brona speaks for itself.
I've been to therapy, to spiritual guru's, doctors - the whole shebang (frankly, I was quite tired of talking about what was 'wrong' with me). I've looked for solutions in different ways ever since I realised I was different, so it's been 15/16 years at least. Brona is one of the only people I've come to for help that explored my shadow or darker emotions without making me feel like they were figments of my imagination, or something to be ashamed of.
Brona wasn't afraid to ask about the hard things that have happened in my life - but instead of going into a conversation where we just stayed stuck in those heavy emotions, she helped me process them differently. Actually, she empowered my darker emotions to move into a space where I could see where they came from, how they had been useful or protected me, and then, I began to realise I was gaining massive compassion for myself. It was pretty beautiful, to be honest.’
( Interested to hear more about how we can work together privately? Click here. )
The overall conclusion being, I know what I offer works and is powerful.
The work I do, I have faith in.
( My faith was tested in other ways… Yep, I’ll be spilling this tea in the lows…)
3. The website was born… yay! 🎉
Power In You Coaching has a digital home and space.
Again, this is HUGE for me.
It’s a work in progress as I need to get new pics but it is defo a start in the right direction.
Watch out world, podcast coming soon…
4. I had my work featured in a national publication - WHOOP!
I was also invited onto the local radio after something I posted was seen by someone on the radio.
And I was invited to do a talk with Thrive Festival sponsored by Mastercard.
5.. And lastly, I have a project manager who is helping me lay the right foundations and get organised.
This is a work in progress but has been SUPER for me, as I’ve been stepping back to work on my business v’s working in my business.
Plus it’s a step in the right direction in term of allowing myself to receive the support needed to bring this business to the next level.
So there you have my 5 highlights…
Keep an eye out for part 2 where I will be sharing my lowlights….
Brona x